Horse Camp
to Jun 28

Horse Camp

  • Perfect Balance Riding (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

8:30 - 12:00 Wednesday - Saturday

Day 1

Clipping and grooming

Showmanship and halter

Judging contest

Scavenger hunt with things they can keep

Day 2


English and dressage

Bareback dollar bill

Day 3


Ranch trail

Art lesson

Day 4

Grooming contest

Horse Show and costume contest


Water balloons on horses


Best grooming

Best Showmanship

Best listener

Cost: $225.00 Paid in Full by May 1st, 2025 $225.00 per rider with your horse, $250 with PBR Horse

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to May 26

Weekend Warriors

  • Perfect Balance Riding (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Weekend Warriors Adult Client Workshops

May 25th and 26th

$150.00 paid in advance must have at least (4 riders) due May 1

10:00am - 12:00pm

Understanding Western and Cowboy Dressage.

Things to bring

For your horse, rope halters, bridle, water bucket

For you Sunscreen, lunch, water and snacks

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Youth Horse Show Camp
to Jun 17

Youth Horse Show Camp

  • Perfect Balance Riding (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Camp incudes riding lessons, art project, and a fun show on Saturday.

Day 1, Groundwork, showmanship, fun games on horse back.

Day 2, Western riding, pleasure equitation and patterns.

Day 3, English riding, pleasure equitation and ground poll work.

Day 4, Art lesson and fun show.

Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm arrive by 8:30am

Price: $200.00, horse boarding $10.00 a day limited space, $245.00 with one of my horse limited avaliablity. Due to the popularity of this camp please send $100.00 Deposit to hold your space upon enrollment, Must be paid in full by April 1, 2023 limited (12 riders)

I except cash, checks, Zelle and Paypal

Some snacks and water provided. Please bring or send a lunch.

Tagged camps

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2:00 PM14:00

Horse show ready group lessons

Must be student taking a private lesson once a week.

One hour group show lesson. Will annouce dates after the first of the year 2023, will depend on the weather.


Must have at least 3 students signed up to hold. Will hold every two weeks.

RSVP to 541 761 5486 by text and pay in full week before lesson. Maill your fee to 5920 Jerome Prairie Rd., Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 or pay through Zelle


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Weekend Warrior
to Apr 30

Weekend Warrior

  • Perfect Balance Riding (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Clinic will include groundwork and riding lessons designed to promote your horses fitness and balance. Equitation redefined useful seat, soft hands and understanding when and how much to release. These skills will be taught through transitions (rating your horse) and use of obstacle, poles and caveletti work. This will be a small limited enrollment clinic.

Clinic 1:00 - 4:00pm

Price: $200.00 Paid in full by April 1st

I except cash, checks, Zelle and Paypal

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Sierra Nevada Adult Clinic
to Jul 6

Sierra Nevada Adult Clinic

  • Perfect Balance Riding (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Clinic will include groundwork and riding lessons designed to promote your horses fitness and balance. Equitation riding redefined useful seat, soft hands and understanding when and how much to release. These skills will be taught through transitions (rating your horse) and use of obstacle, poles and caveletti work. This will be a small limited enrollment clinic for clients only.

Price: $375.00 Paid in full by June 5th

I except cash, checks, Zelle and Paypal

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Youth Horse Camp (FULL)
to Aug 7

Youth Horse Camp (FULL)

  • Perfect Balance Riding (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Camp incudes lessons, art project, and a fun show on Saturday.

Day 1, Groundwork, showmanship, fun games on horse back.

Day 2, Lesson arena work, Western or English Pleasure. Art lesson

Day 3, Grooming and preparing for a show. Lesson arena work, Western or English Equitation

Day 4, Fun Show

Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm

Price: $185.00 paid in full by July 26th

I except cash, checks, Zelle and Paypal

Some snacks and water provided. Please bring or send a lunch.

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11:30 AM11:30

Ranch Riding Clinic

  • Perfect Balance Riding, First Street Middle Arena (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ranch riding is a new class being offered at many shows, and is designed to incorporate the skills of everyday ranch work. It includes simple patterns and trail courses that tests your horsemanship. Workshops includes partern skills, poles, transitions, stops and turnarounds. The focus of this clinic is canter transitions, departures, and knowing your leads. 
You do not have to be showing to learn from this clinic, ranch riding teaches practical skills used in many styles of riding. Rider skill level; intermediate (must be able to canter).

Limited to 8 riders, $45.00 each 1.5 hours
Location: Perfect Balance Riding Center

Fee must be paid to reserve your space. All fees must be paid by 10/26/2020

To reserve your space: Please Send TEXT to 541 761-5486

Private message @PerfectBalanceRiding
if you don’t recieve a response in a timely matter please text.

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What is Western Dressage
10:00 AM10:00

What is Western Dressage

Achieve balance and feel through western dressage.  Understanding the dressage court and what it can do for you and your horse. Learn basic dressage techiques that can help with the balance of horse and rider.  

Cost: $45.00 in full by Sept. 26, 2020

Location: Perfect Balance Training Center

Limited to 10 riders

RSVP to 541 761-5486 by text and pay in full by Sept. 1st 2020. You may mail the fee to 5920 Jerome Prairie Rd., Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 or pay through paypal

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